MAGIC: Multi-scAle heteroGeneity analysIs and Clustering

MAGIC documentation

MAGIC, Multi-scAle heteroGeneity analysIs and Clustering, is a multi-scale semi-supervised clustering method that aims to derive robust clustering solutions across different scales for brain diseases. Compared to original HYDRA method, MAGIC has the following advantages:



In order to run MAGIC, one must have already installed and ran [SOPNMF ( with the voxel-wise image data. After this, please follow the following steps for installation.

There are three choices to install MAGIC.

Use MAGIC as a python package

We recommend the users to use Conda virtual environment:

1) conda create --name MAGIC python=3.6

Activate the virtual environment:

2) source activate MAGIC

Install other python package dependencies (go to the root folder of MAGIC):

3) ./

Finally, we need install MAGIC from PyPi:

3) pip install magiccluster==0.0.3

Use MAGIC from commandline:

After installing all dependencies in the requirements.txt file, go to the root folder of MAGIC where the locates:

pip install -e .

Use MAGIC as a developer version:

python -m pip install git+

Input structure

MAGIC requires a specific input structure inspired by BIDS. Some conventions for the group label/diagnosis: -1 represents healthy control (CN) and 1 represents patient (PT); categorical variables, such as sex, should be encoded to numbers: Female for 0 and Male for 1, for instance.

participant and covariate tsv

The first 3 columns are participant_id, session_id and diagnosis.

Example for feature tsv:

participant_id    session_id    diagnosis
sub-CLNC0001      ses-M00    -1   432.1
sub-CLNC0002      ses-M00    1    398.2
sub-CLNC0003      ses-M00    -1    412.0
sub-CLNC0004      ses-M00    -1    487.4
sub-CLNC0005      ses-M00    1    346.5
sub-CLNC0006      ses-M00    1    443.2
sub-CLNC0007      ses-M00    -1    450.2
sub-CLNC0008      ses-M00    1    443.2

Example for covariate tsv:

participant_id    session_id    diagnosis    age    sex ...
sub-CLNC0001      ses-M00    -1   56.1    0
sub-CLNC0002      ses-M00    1    57.2    0
sub-CLNC0003      ses-M00    -1    43.0    1
sub-CLNC0004      ses-M00    -1    25.4    1
sub-CLNC0005      ses-M00    1    74.5    1
sub-CLNC0006      ses-M00    1    44.2    0
sub-CLNC0007      ses-M00    -1    40.2    0
sub-CLNC0008      ses-M00    1    43.2    1


We offer a fake dataset in the folder of MAGIC/data. Users should follow the same data structure.

Running MAGIC for clustering CN vs Subtype1 vs Subtype2 vs …:

from from magic.magic_clustering import clustering
opnmf_dir = "PATH_OPNMF_DIR"
output_dir = "PATH_OUTPUT_DIR"
clustering(participant_tsv, opnmf_dir, output_dir, k_min, k_max, 25, 60, 5, cv_repetition)

Citing this work

:warning: Please let me know if you use this package for your publication; I will update your papers in the section of Publication using MAGIC

:warning: Please cite the software using the Cite this repository button on the right sidebar menu, as well as the original papers below …

Original papers

Wen J., Varol E., Chand G., Sotiras A., Davatzikos C. (2020) MAGIC: Multi-scale Heterogeneity Analysis and Clustering for Brain Diseases. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020. MICCAI 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12267. Springer, Cham.

Wen J., Varol E., Chand G., Sotiras A., Davatzikos C. (2022) Multi-scale semi-supervised clustering of brain images: Deriving disease subtypes. Medical Image Analysis, 2022. - Link